浦东用30年改革开放的成就向世界展示了新时代下中国推动改革开放,实现高质量发展的成果。进入发展的而立之年,作为全国改革开放和创新发展标杆,浦东还在继续探索,迎难而上,面向推进全方位高水平开放,再创新时代改革开放奇迹的宏伟目标,再出发! Pudong, a district east of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, has been transformed from desolate farmland to a major growth engine of the east China metropolis and an embodiment of China's modernization and opening-up. It has become a model for the rest of the country on how to launch reforms and achieve high-quality development in a new era. Having been supported by the continued reforms and experiments over the past 30 years, Pudong, though it accounts for only 1/8000 of China's total land area, is a powerhouse contributing 1/80 of the country's GDP and 1/15 of total imports and exports. The area's GDP surged 211 times from 6 billion yuan ($900 million) in 1990 to over 1.2 trillion yuan in 2019. Its total foreign investment has reached $103 billion and it has gathered over 36,000 foreign-funded enterprises and headquarters of 350 multinational companies from 170 countries and regions, data from the Pudong government showed. Shanghai is China's financial hub and an international financial center, while Pudong is the core area showcasing the city's financial strength. 想了解昔日的“烂泥渡”如何成为现代大都市新区的中国经验?答案就在这个专题页里↓ (扫描或长按图中二维码,一起进入专题页看看吧) 推荐阅读:一组图,带你见证浦东三十年沧桑巨变